Actuators that lift the deck of mobile robots
Picking robots operate in complex warehouse environments where an intelligent warehouse system allocates tasks to the robot fleet. This task requires real-time monitoring of the fleet. Flexibility and efficiency are essential to the entire operation, with the mobile robot doing the hard work. LINAK® actuators support the performance of mobile robots with key features such as:
- High power density and energy efficiency
- Condition monitoring and predictive maintenance
- Long lifetime and reliability
In a Goods-to-Person warehouse system, the Autonomous Mobile Robot brings the rack or shelf to the picker. This eliminates non-value adding activities like the picker having to travel. The robot has an integrated vertical lifting deck to release the shelf or rack from the ground for transport so that it can drop it on the right spot.
High power density and energy efficiency
The slim design of the rack or shelf baseplate defines the outer dimensions of the mobile robot. Components like battery, drive unit and navigation equipment do not leave much space for the lifting unit. Thanks to their compact and energy-efficient design, LINAK actuators are ideal for use in Autonomous Mobile Robots. Supply voltage up to 48 V, standard communication interfaces, like CANopen or IO-link, and thrust up to 15,000 N are just a few of the outstanding features worth highlighting.
Condition monitoring and predictive maintenance
The warehouse management system requires real-time monitoring to keep the performance of the warehouse operation optimised. Condition monitoring, as provided by the integrated controller of LINAK actuators, enables highly efficient fleet management by adapting the robot capacity to the actual needs in the warehouse. Furthermore, predictive maintenance allows you to schedule service intervals for the actuators and to optimise uptime.
Long lifetime and reliability
Warehouses aim for 24/7 operation to meet customer expectations. Downtime for service and repair must be kept to a minimum. Thanks to a thoroughly tested design and high reliability, our actuators require little maintenance and have a high uptime. LINAK Long Life actuators and B10 lifetime calculator allow you to match the actuator with the service intervals of the mobile robots.